ESGX: Tuttle Capital Management Shareholders First Index ETF
ESGX will invest your money in companies that focus on profits, not politics or trendy activisms of the moment. By tracking the AJN Shareholders First Index, the fund will seek to invest in business-focused, profit-oriented U.S. companies that prioritize their duties to shareholders and are best positioned to outperform in current economic and monetary conditions.
About the index
The AJN Shareholders First Index follows Nobel laureate economist Milton Freidman's doctrine which states that the social responsibility of business is to increase profits and that shareholders are the economic engine of the organization and the only group to which the firm is socially responsible.
The index is built on a rules-based methodology, selecting companies across various sectors that demonstrate a strong commitment to shareholder interests. By focusing on metrics such as dividends, buybacks, and capital returns, the index aims to capture the performance of companies that align their strategies with shareholder success. This provides investors with a targeted approach to investing in businesses that emphasize shareholder value above other considerations.

About the Advisor
Matthew Tuttle is the Managing Member and Chief Investment Officer of Tuttle Capital Management, LLC. Matthew is a familiar face among the financial media. He has been a frequent guest on CNBC and Fox Business and has been frequently quoted in the Wall Street Journal and Barron’s. He is the author of "How Harvard & Yale Beat the Market" and "Financial Secrets of my Wealthy Grandparents."
Matthew has an MBA in Finance from Boston University.